“Little Shop of Horrors,” the devilishly delicious musical, has devoured the hearts of theater-goers for over 30 years. Set to 1960s rock ’n’ roll, doo-wop, and early Motown, a hapless florist shop worker raises an unusual plant from another universe.
It’s a dark, comic battle for love, fame, and the fate of the world!
Directed by John Manzelli. Musical direction by Jared Peroune, Javmar Perez-Contrera, and Dr. Giselle Elgarresta Rios
Rated T for Teen due to some language, slight violence, and some scenes that may be disturbing for younger viewers
Using personal diaries, journals, and documented historic narratives In to America traces the American immigrant experience from Jamestown to present day through the true stories of ordinary men, women and children who departed their homelands in the hopes of creating a new life. In To America is an extraordinary story 400 years in the making that transcends time, space and race to reflect the diversity and commonalities of our shared American experience.
By William Massolia
Directed by Dorothy Milne